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The harvest is ready and the workers are few. Let’s pray that the whole body of Christ would get excited of sharing the amazing news of Jesus with the Europeans – most of them have never heard the gospel so that they would have understood it. There are also millions of those who have immigrated from other parts of the globe and do not even personally know a follower of Jesus.

Together with PEF, other PEF branches, and the whole body of Christ PEM has a dream: everyone in Europe shall hear the gospel! The unreached people groups are to be reached!

It is easy to begin with the mission field which is so near to us – Europe. Let us not neglect our own continent, which has in many ways become unreached again – but not unreachable. People are longing for the gospel! God works! There are many who are healed by the power of God in different evangelistic and church situations by Jesus.

One opportunity to do so is the PEF-hosted outreach Impact Skopje, July 4-10, 2016. More information:

In last years we have been together in Impact Lugano (2015), Impact Bratislava (2014), Impact Palermo (2013), Impact Luxembourg (2012), Impact Now in Budapest (2011), Impact Stockholm (2010), Impact Austria (2009), Impact Madrid (2008), Oslo (2007) and Impact Brussels (2006); we have seen God uniting his church for the sake of the gospel in these European countries.

Europe needs the gospel. Be part of bringing it to the 700 million people in Europe without a personal relationship to Christ! Learn more about how you can do this from our Outreaches -page.

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