PEM is a network of people committed to the common goal of ministering to souls with the holistic wellbeing of people in mind – from Europe and around globe. The following organisations and movements are members of PEM:
- Assemblies of God, Great Britain
- Action Evanquelique de Pentecotiste, France
- Action Missionnaire des Asemblees de Dieu, France
- Agentia Penticostala de Misiune Externa, Romania
- Apostolic Church of Czech Republic, Czech Republic
- Apostolic Church of Slovakia, Slovakia
- AVC Nehemia, Germany
- Convoy of Hope, Europe
- Demade, Assemblies of God, Spain
- Evangelical Pentecostal Fellowship of Hungary, Hungary
- Fida International, Finland
- Shelter Now, Germany
- AMPuls, Außenmission der FCGÖ, Austria
- Gypsy Mission Life and Light, Hungary
- House of Life, Russia
- Italian Assemblies of God, Missions department, Italy
- Key Media, Finland
- Liebe in Aktion, Germany
- Polish Pentecostal Church, Poland
- Norwegian Pentecostal Mission, Norway
- Swedish Pentecostal Movement, Sweden
- Swiss Pentecostal Mission, Switzerland
- United Church of Christians in Belarus, Belarus
- Velberter Mission, Germany
- Victory Family Centre, UK
- VPE Zending, The Netherlands
- MT:28, Germany
- CFN Albania, Albania
- Chiese Elim, Italy
- AOG Missions, Bulgaria
- GoMovement, Germany
- Amen, Italy
- Assemblies of God World Missions, USA
- Ljus i Öster, Sweden
- Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, Canada