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The gospel shall be preached to all ethnés, people groups, or nations. There are still about 7000 people groups which are categorised as unreached.

In 2010, the PEM members set a common goal: Together by 2020 we want to have started to work at least among 200 new unreached or least reached peoples. There are several ways in which you can come along and take part in reaching this goal.

In the beginning of the year 2016, the PEM network has already reached about the half of the goal. While we rejoice in this, we also know that there is still work to do. Every ethnic group without the possibility to hear the gospel is too much, and a shame to the church!

The PEM member organisations can contribute to the 200 by taking a part of it. You can do it centralised as an organisation, or you can share the work and encourage churches to take action for example few churches together.

You can see which unreached peoples live near your work area, and your work can be extended to be a blessing among them.

You can network in cooperation with other PEM members, and you can either choose the peoples yourself and let us know, or you can ask for advice from the PEM UPG coordinators.

There is also a possibility to adopt a people group – starting by prayer and carrying all the way through until there is a functioning national church amongs them. A national church with a missionary vision!

For more information, contact