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PEM Leaders’ Consultation 2016 takes place in Erzhausen (near Frankfurt), Germany, November 16th-19th. To guarantee the early bird price before August 31st, register now.

Registration HERE.





Main Speakers:

Rev. Pelle Hörnmark (Sweden)

Rev. Pelle Hörnmark, 54 years old, is married to Tina, father to three children, and a grandfather. His education includes building engineering, Bible college and leadership and organizational development. As a family, they have served in missions in Africa. Since March 2016, he is serving as the new chairman of PEF, and prior to this he had been serving as the chairman of the Swedish Pentecostal movement.

Rev. Gheorghe Ritisan, vice chairman of the PEM (Romania)

Rev. Gheorghe Ritisan serves as the vice chairman of the PEM, and also as the pioneering missions director of the APME, which is the Romanian Pentecostal missions organization. Ghita, as he is called, has been involved in building up a new sending organisation, and is also an internationally recognised speaker who consults others who are going through the same path – how to be transformed from recipient into a strong sending movement.

Ps. Johannes Justus, chairman of the BFP (Germany)

Born 1957, married to Irene. They have seven children, six of them biological. He was born in Kljutschi (Kazac SSR) and studied there mechanics. In November 1988 he moved to Germany with his family, and worked there as a technical specialist. Later he started his second studies to become a pastor in the BFP movement, and was ordained in 2000. He started his ministry as a pastor in the Freien Christengemeide Nienburg. Since 2009 Johannes serves as pastor in the Elim church in Hannover. He also finished his studies as a supervisor in Leibnizuniversität Hannover, and worked as a coach and supervisor. 2010-2012 he served as the regional leader in the BFP region Niedersachsen Ost. Since September 2012 he serves as the chairman of the BFP Pentecostal movement of Germany.

Rev. Rauno Mikkonen, chairman of the PEM (Finland)

Rauno is married to Anna-Liisa, they have five grown-up children and are also happy grandparents of six granddaughters. They have served as missionaries in Bangladesh, and after that Rauno has served in the leadership of Fida International, a Pentecostal Missions organization from Finland. He has also served there as the interim director as well as the director for Europe, and since 2015 Rauno is serving as the chairman of the PEM. During 11 years he has also served as pastor in a local church in Finland. His heart beats for reaching the unreached in Europe and beyond, and also to empower churches to become strong bases for intercultural missions. Fluent in Polish and Russian, he also longs to see more bridges being built between the Eastern and Western Europe, so that we will join our forces together to reach this world with the gospel.

Dr. Stuart Robinson & Bro – Our Lord has commanded us to make obedient fruitful disciples. In the developing world where the church is growing explosively, this is happening even in the most hostile environments. Some leaders have personally planted over 500 churches each! Dr. Robinson will outline the fundamental principles and strategies involved in these movements. Bro will share practical and clear details on how to do it – even in your location.
Coordination Stefan & Helga R. God is doing amazing things in Europe today. We feel what is happening among refugees all over Europe today is historic. Practitioners will report best practices and share their experiences to inspire us. Many of the refugees are coming from regions who had very little access to the Gospel till now. But there are still thousands of unreached people groups which need to be reached.
How to organise short-term mission in a missions organisation? An example from Fida International. How did they start and how does it function today? Some examples and personal experiences what kind of feedback has STM brought to youth in Spain. How did they get excited to do STM? Theological basics for STM. Why do we need to do STM today?
Juha Lehtonen, 40, lives in Finland, is married and has 3 children. He is the coordinator for church connections in Fida International focusing on youth and short-term missions. He is also a member of STM coordination team in Fida. Mr. Lehtonen has STM experience in several European countries.
Esther Gomez-Herreruela, 28, is from Spain and she is now MTh Student at Continental Theological Seminary in Brussels. She is also musician and the coordinator of the MFJ, the Missions platform of Fade Youth Spain. She has passion for missions and to reach people with Short Term Teams.
Markku Ovaska, 53, has been living as a missionary in Germany since 2003. He is married and has 3 children. Pastor, MTh. Coordinator for PEM Short Term Missions. Ps. Ovaska has 30 years of experience in STM and a strong vision for Europe.
Coordination Rauno & Anna-Liisa Mikkonen. The Kairos course is spreading to many nations in Europe, equipping and mobilising the church for God’s mission to reach the lost in Europe and beyond.  Kairos courses were recently conducted in France, Poland and Latvia for the first time.  The goal is to mobilise the church for cross-cultural mission at home and beyond.
Is Kairos already being utilised in your country? We will be glad to introduce the course and help you to encourage and mobilise the church in your country for missions.
Coordination Craig Mathison. How to develop a strong prayer support for missions in your movement and church?
Coordination Stefan & Helga R. To be effective in reaching the unreached, a good tool is to adopt a people group. While pastoring a church in southern Germany, the Rosses saw what happened when their church did adopt an unreached people group. A long-term process and commitment lead into various steps in missions, and in the life of the church.
Dr. Stuart Robinson & Bro – Our Lord has commanded us to make obedient fruitful disciples. In the developing world where the church is growing explosively, this is happening even in the most hostile environments. Some leaders have personally planted over 500 churches each! Dr. Robinson will outline the fundamental principles and strategies involved in these movements. Bro will share practical and clear details on how to do it – even in your location.
Coordination Ghita Ritisan and Rick Cunningham. New senders have challenges. Ghita and Rick have seen the transformation from a receiving into a sending movement in Romania, and share their experiences and expertise in building a new missions organisation and impacting an entire movement.
Coordination Veera Hug. How can a missions organisation tie tentmaking missions to become an effective and fruit-bearing part of their ministry and strategy? At the heart of it all is a burden for the unreached peoples of this earth, and a burden to see the often sleeping missionary potential in our churches equipped and sent out.
Coordination Stefan Rizell and Rauli Lehtonen. Before the PEM Consultation, church leaders from Western Balkans meet with mission leaders who are focusing on the area. This workshop is for all who want to build bridges and work together with others in this yet unevangelised region of Europe.


Prices PEM Consultation 2016



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