Welcome to the 2024 PEM Consultation: Empowered by the Spirit!
Cluj, Romania November 13-15th.
Pentecostal European Mission Consultation is held annually as a one- to three-day event every other year. The purpose of the consultation is to elaborate new missiological concerns and suggest best practices for missions today for churches and mission organizations. As well as facilitate networking among its member to be able to expand efforts for the most vulnerable and least reached in the world. The consultation is aimed at the mission’s leadership of the Pentecostal churches and missions organizations in Europe. The consultation is focused on promoting interaction and co-operation among the churches and organizations in matters pertaining to missions.
The consultations are open to missions’ pastors, missions chair people/mission committee members, missionaries/potential missionaries, and any people who are passionate about missions in the PEF community.
Keynote speaker
Jonathan D. Willoughby has ministered with the PAOC since 2002, first in Ukraine and then for the last 15 years in Asia where he served as the Assistant Regional Director.
He is now focused on Equipping and Mobilizing national churches in the region and is presently the chairman of PAM. Jonathan is currently finishing a PhD in Intercultural Studies and has been published in a number of leading Missiological Journals. He and his wife have three amazing children and one crazy cat.