The PEM Mission course (Pentecostal European Mission) was arranged in CTS Brussels, Belgium. On our course we had 10 participants from different countries; two from Finland, three from Estonia, two from Armenia, a couple from Spain and one from the Czech Republic. Our relations as a group grew through the course, and we all became very close friends with one another. The course lasted for three weeks. During that time we got to listen to many interesting teachings, learn more about missions and grow closer to God.
This article is based on course attendants’ interviews, in which we share our experiences and opinions concerning the course and missions. Every question is answered by a different participant.
What have you learnt during the course?
I have learnt many things useful for my personal life. The life of the missionaries who taught us on the lectures spoke to me, and I learned a lot from their experiences. That information is very important considering my own mission in the future. Every teacher was unique and God has used every one of them to speak to us. This course has been an opportunity to learn so many new things and to get good advice.
What was the best/worst?
The best thing was that we got to learn so much in such a short time. I also liked that all the subjects and all the teachers had so big a variety and different background and very interesting characteristics. Important about this course was the fact that God really opened my eyes and my heart to see what is missionary.
The worst about this course was mosquitos, because I’m obviously allergic to the Belgian ones. They bit me so bad!
Would you recommend this course to others and why?
I would recommend because first of all I studied different subjects and it really touched my heart, and praise the Lord I got this opportunity to take this course. I had very wonderful and anointed teachers and I started to change my point of view. I was thinking first only missions in Armenia, but now my views are widened to the whole world.
Secondly, I had a wonderful group because we spent a lot of time together and we did everything together. We had amazing prayer time every day and every subject in this course was close to my heart. This course changed a lot of things in my life. I will tell about this course to my friends because it’s a good chance to develop in a spiritual way.
How will your life be involved with mission after the course?
For us this course has been really wonderful and it widened our view of missions. The next step when we go back to Spain we will tell other people about what we have learned. Last month we started a new association in our local church and the target is to spread the gospel through social action. After this course we have much more knowledge how to do this work.
We want to encourage youth from Spain to come to this course, and also search for people who are willing to attend the outreach in Luxembourg next July. But the most important thing to do is to pray God to show how to do this work and what is His plan for our lives in missions.
Has God told you about your calling?
Yes. Northern Korea and South-East Asia have been close to my heart. I would like to work with children and youth. I like also doing development working and I think that tent maker’s place would suit me well too.
It was in 2008 in Germany Teen Street (organized by OM) when I received a call from God to missions. When some people had prayed for me they got a prophecy of God’s vision for my life and I felt a strong calling for mission work. This PEM-course was a big encouragement considering mission work. I’m going to study in a university after this course and I believe God opened that door too. I’m sure the studies are part of my preparation. In my opinion mission is not only work in the future, but God has called us to work already today.
Did the course meet your expectations? How?
My calling for missions has been a slow process. Within last year I got certainty of my future on God’s mission fields, and right after that He began to prepare me for the future He had for me. He led me to apply an internship in Fida International, and a place in Belgium opened for me. I participated in TAE-course in Finland in July and also this PEM-course was part of my internship. I would have never imagined how little I actually knew about missions. Both of the courses really exceeded my expectations and I’m grateful to God He gave me this opportunity.
All of our wonderful teachers taught me important things through their teaching, experiences and different personalities. It’s amazing how God had used them in their lives and how they were dedicated to God. I enjoyed every lecture and the closeness of Holy Spirit very much.
I also want to mention our fantastic group. Our team spirit was very good and they all became dear friends to me. The course was a great start for my internship and a good way to start to create social connections here.
All of participants are grateful to God, teachers and to everyone who made their part in making the course to take place. Hallelujah!
Johanna Liimatainen