Love is reaching new people groups
In 2010, the PEM member organisations felt the burden to strengthen their work among the unreached people groups. The leaders were praying together and set the prayer and action target to be that by 2020, the network’s member organisations would start missions projects among 200 new unreached or least reached people groups.
By the end of the year 2014, the awareness of the urgency of sharing the love of God to the people who do not have a viable church among their ethnic group has spread, and many movements are taking steps towards mobilising their churches.
According to the PEM 200/2020 coordinators, one of the great tools in opening the eyes and hearts of the church members is the Kairos course. During 2014 and 2015, new countries have started to host these courses.
By the end of 2014, the member organisations had decided to start to work among more than 50 new people groups. More than 35 of them are in Europe! The next steps are to organise Europe-wide prayer for these groups and to see, how we can combine our resources to help each other to share the greatest love to those who have yet to hear!
Thank you for praying with us!