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• In today’s world, there are more than 7,440 UPGs. Many of them are still waiting to be adopted.

• As the Church of Jesus Christ, we are called to bring all of them home, into God’s kingdom.

Rev. 7:9 ‘After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.’


  • Adoption is a commitment made by a church or fellowship group to see the establishment of a strong church among an unreached people group.
  • A church congregation or fellowship group makes a serious commitment to do all they can to reach their adopted people group by working in partnership with the mission agency of their choice.


1. Your church should get informed and then decide to be involved in reaching UPGs. This may mean a change in the mind and attitude toward UPGs. Be aware that you and your church are called to reach the UPGs.

2. Select and officially adopt a particular unreached people group. PEM has a list of 286 UPGs which our goal is to reach. You may also find a UPG at

3. Serve the people group through Prayer. Prayer is the essential foundation. Establish regular prayer times for the UPG throughout your church….in the main service, in cell groups, youth meetings, elders meetings, etc. Involve the whole church!

4. Stay informed and regularly update your church about any progress made for the UPG you have adopted. Gather as much information as possible about the people group, (religion, culture, language, country, mission work, Bible, progress of the Gospel, etc.) and work together with your mission agencies.

5. Give – financially support a frontier mission as much as possible. At least 10% of the church budget should go towards missions, with the emphasis on reaching the Unreached. Get in touch with a mission organization or missionary working in the people group you have adopted and support their work.

6. Send and go – If at all possible, send a short-term mission team from your local church. Pray also for a missionary to be sent from your midst.

“And this Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony for all nations and then the end will come!”(Mt. 24:14)

Adopt an UPG


As the PEM UPG task force team, we are happy to give you more advice, experience and practical steps on how to proceed with your adoption.