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Impact Balkans 15th to 24th of July 2024

How it started

Impact events started with the vision of PEF to evangelize Europe by focusing on its major cities. Impact began from the first event in Brussels in 2006 after which outreach events have taken place in several different European countries. Later the outreach event has expanded to cover multiple cities nationwide.
Starting from the beginning of 2024, the event will be coordinated by PEM.

Why the Balkans

The Balkans is the least reached region in Europe consisting of 42 million people out of which 99% are spiritually lost and have limited access to the gospel. In many areas, there are no missionaries, no believers, no evangelical churches, and no opportunity to hear the gospel. Most countries have less than 0.5% evangelical believers (source:
Now is the time for the Balkans! God hasn’t forgotten about them.

How does the Organization look like?

In July 2024 we will organize a 3-day-training in Montenegro that will consist of worship, prayer, teachings on evangelism and workshops. We will offer different workshops that offer practical tools to reach people. The outreach participants will choose one that interests them the most and can apply their learning in practice during outreach by e.g. teaching the locals in their outreach destination.

After the training we will send small teams to different Balkan countries to serve together with the local churches supporting their vision and ministry through cooperation. Teams will be connected with a local church/leader beforehand.

The Registration is now OPEN – please visit the IB24 website for that! 


The price will be determined by the outreach destination. The cost estimate for the mandatory training part (15.-17.7.2024) is max 100 €/person including accommodation, event t-shirt and the conference fee.

Who can join? 

Participants need to have their pastor’s recommendation in order to join. Age 18+. Minors can participate with a designated person and a signed permission from their guardians. Youth leaders may also accompany.

We are expecting people of all ages to join.

Our request to you

Please keep our work in your prayers and join us in this vision if it is possible for you! & Please keep the Balkans and its people in your prayers!