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The World we live in is changing… Our Mission remains the same.

After a long time apart, we are looking forward to meeting with brothers, sisters, partners, friends…  in person! And we will finally meet together in Belgium, to encourage and build each other up, to have fellowship, inspiration and to refocus our vision and mission as European Pentecostal Mission movements, to finish the task in a changing world.

New things…

This year, we also are starting something new. A vital element in order to finish our task is a correct passing of the legacy to the next generation. We see this clearly in the Bible, both with good examples like Elijah & Elisha, and sad stories as well, like those of Eli, Samuel and so many others who did not prepare the next generation to take their place.

Therefore, we want to make sure we are preparing and connecting a younger generation of mission leaders whom one day we may pass the baton to. So, as a step towards that, we are inviting younger mission leaders to our PEM Consultation. And not just us, our challenge to all of you mission leaders is that YOU will take with you a younger mission leader to the PEM Consultation. Invite him or her personally, encourage them, and if possible, also cover their expenses. We have the responsibility and privilege to take the mission beyond ourselves, and leave a legacy others can build upon. And, as Elijah and Elisha, we do this by being together!

The Program

Here you can see the program of the Consultation.

The first day will focus on the younger generations, with interactive dynamics, relevant topics and space to get to know each other and connect.

The second day, we will take a look at key elements of PEM vision, mission and strategy, which are vital today for every missions organisation, and we will explore how to develop and implement them better together.

The Consultation will finish with a communion service. This, as well as the evening services, will be inspirational times in the Presence of the Lord. He is the Lord of the Mission, and the focus of every gathering we could possibly arrange.

Logistics and Registration


Registration Fee (includes the Conference, 2 Lunches, 2 Dinners and Coffee Breaks):
€ 70
*Voluntary contribution for senior leaders (this will help cover the costs of younger leaders):
€ 50

Accommodation at 4-stars Hotel Value Stay Brussels South,
(2 nights, per person, breakfast included):
Single room: € 128
Twin/Double room: € 80

Airport shuttle from/to Brussels Zaventem Airport, (organised in groups according to departure and arrival times, you’ll be asked later on to provide your travelling details):
€ 10 (return trip)

Please pay the appropriate fees and send proof of payment to
IBAN: DE61 5009 2100 0001 7704 11


The lunch and dinner will be organised at the Consultation venue, Brussels Christian Center, and we are grateful to them and to pastor Daniel Costanza for their generosity and service.