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PEM and PEFY member organizations have arranged many short-term mission programs for 2013-2014. Find more about them from your own national organization, or from the international organizations like NoLimit, Jesus Revolution, GospelTribe, etc. Also organizations like Your Mission (UK), Fida International (Finland), Gemeinde Gottes (Germany), etc. offer great options to take part in short-term teams!

In addition, PEF, PEM and PEFY organise Europe-wide, international events:

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Impact Bratislava 2014:

Dates: 19.-22.6.2012
Place: Bratislava, Slovakia
Goal: Gather together young followers of Jesus from all over Europe to share the Gospel and to see people saved!

PEFY Impact Teams Week 2014:

Dates: 11.-17.8.2014
Place: Europe
Goal: Have fun, get to know other young people from around Europe, and share Jesus to people who have not yet heard! An international short-term mission possibility with a great team! Maximum of 5 participants from one country!