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Prayerful Leaders’ meeting in Warsaw

PEM Consultation 2014 took place in Warsaw, Poland, November 19-22, 2014. 75 Participants from around the world spent much time networking, strategising, and praying. Guest speakers represented a wide range of leadership experience from churches and mission organisations.

At the PEM Annual meeting, three new member organisations were welcomed to join the network, and also the committee of the PEM changed its constituency. Edwin Jung, the current leader of the Austrian Pentecostal movement left the work in the committee after several years, and the annual meeting expressed its gratitude towards the long service he had made in serving God as the vice chairman of the network. The new elected vice chairman is Rauno Mikkonen from Fida International, Finland.

The next PEM Consultation will take place November 16-19, 2015 in Italy.

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