A Different Kind of a Message
Arto Hämäläinen, Chairman of the PEM.
We are living in a turbulent world. Crisis, threats, problems, failings, wars, conflicts, a series of negative news are meeting us from day to day. As Christians and believers we are affected by that kind of environment. We should not however forget that we have radically opposite news to be offered to our world. A message of hope and change! We need the prophetic eye opener not to be transformed by the negative perspectives of our time. That is why we are as PEM people in Warzaw. We need and we have a different view, different message to our contemporary fellow people in the world.
Pentecostal European Fellowship (PEF) agreed about a common strategy this year. PEM as one branch of PEF is part of the implementing of that. In the mission statement is said as a main task : “To re-affirm and re-enforce the Pentecostal distinctive and pass it on to the next generation.” The objectives of PEM to have 3000 missionaries, 7000 short-termers, 100 000 intercessors and to reach unreached both in Europe and other continents in 2020 are not possible without the empowerment by the Holy Spirit. Let our gathering in Warzaw be an important milestone on the way to see the objectives realized. Let the Holy Spirit open our eyes, inspire our hearts, and motivate us to take steps in faith to change the world.
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