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Connected Through Prayer

We are the first generation, after a century, that is facing a new global pandemic, which affects to a great extent our life as well as the life of the church and its mission. Beyond the multiple shortcomings this new situation also brought the opportunity to emphasize the spiritual works that were neglected for a long time or overshadowed.

The prayer, for instance, that came to be a sort of Cinderella of the spiritual life, in these times of pandemic, became one of the most dynamic Christian activities both on an individual and a community level.

We are happy to know that in this time, in which is more difficult to meet in person, we can meet more, more frequently and maybe more profound in prayer groups through online platforms.

In the second part of 2020, the members of PEM began meeting on Zoom to pray for one another and to celebrate the victories God brings in the mission ministry.

Therefore, dear members of PEM, we invite you to put aside the time in which we concentrate to intercede for one another, for the urgent needs on the mission field or strategic prayer, as a time of maximal importance in 2021 too. So, every 2nd and 4th Wednesday morning, starting at 9:00 AM (CET), we connect for prayer.

May the Lord give you, dear colleagues of PEM, a year 2021 with health for you, your families, and the missionaries you assist in fulfilling His mission, of reaching every ethnic group still unreached with the Gospel.

Gheorghe Ritisan
Vice chairman of PEM


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